Able Health Care Scotland
“Get More from the People Who Care”
The people using our services are at the heart of everything we do and by listening to people using our services family/friends we can meet their expectations and deliver a more bespoke package of care.
Able Health Care prides itself on being a forward thinking, dynamic and responsive care provider located in Falkirk and Stirling localities. The director of Able Health Care Gary Connor brings many successful years of service to the care sector and a wealth of experience and a strong passion and drive for change within community care, reshaping care and how we deliver care services. Able health care is committed to working in partnership with local authority, and other health care professional’s ensuring we provide the highest quality of care services that are more joined up and seamless that can meet the expectations of people using our services needs and wishes.
Ensuring we provide the highest quality of service to the people using our services at all times. By telling us how we are doing, you can help shape the future of care services giving us ideas, thoughts and feelings of any changes. Or just to say we are doing things well.
Able Health Care is proud to be introducing a new model of care which is more flexible and reactive in meeting the needs of people using our services. Which promotes choice and independence.
At able health care we value our work force and invest heavily in their skills and personnel development to ensure they can deliver the highest quality of care and support to people using our services, our vision at able health care is to enable care workers to full fill their full potential and professionalism. If you are interested in a career in community care please contact our recruitment team on: 01324 770099
Contact us today to get more of the best
From the best people in community care.
For more information, please contact your local branch:
01324 770099