Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association
Blue Triangle is a registered charity (SC010858) a registered social landlord (under the Scottish Housing Regulator), and a registered society (under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014).
Blue Triangle was established in 1975 by the office bearers of YWCA to become the housing arm of the YWCA and manage their hostel properties.
In 1976 we had one property and the initial resident group was young single women studying and working in Glasgow. The Association eventually split from YWCA and became its own legal identity in around 1991. Our services were limited to Glasgow up until 1992 when we began to expand into other local authority areas. During our 40+ years of operation we have run community cafes, provided literacy and numeracy support, provided access to training, employment, health and housing.
Although we own properties, we are not a landlord in the traditional sense of the word, as the core of what we do, is called “supported accommodation” and we only accept referrals to our accommodation from local authorities.
We provide safe and secure mainly hostel type accommodation for vulnerable people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or have a Looked After and Accommodated background. Staff are present on site, in most cases, 24hrs, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year, and they work with our residents to help them gain the right skills to move onto more independent living and achieve a better quality of life.