Turning Point Scotland
Turning Point Scotland works with adults who are experiencing a range of support needs in relation to housing and homelessness, learning disability, autism, acquired brain injury, fluctuating mental health, physical disabilities, problematic alcohol and/or other drug use and involvement in the criminal justice system. We work from the belief that people matter, that they are the experts on their support needs and that it is for us to work creatively with them and with partners to ensure that those needs are met. We work with around 2,800 Individuals every day and 5,100 every year across Scotland helping people to address issues they are experiencing and recognise their own skills and interests.
Our approach to support is imbedded within a Citizenship framework where we deliver a holistic approach promoting the recovery, self-determination and inclusion of people experiencing challenges in their life, through focusing on their strengths and the valuable contributions they can make to their communities. Citizenship is defined as a measure of the strength of an individual’s connection to the 5 R’s of rights, responsibilities, roles, resources, and relationships that society makes available to its members.