City of Edinburgh Council
EDINBURGH ‘A fair city of opportunity and innovation.’
Edinburgh has always been a city of innovation, embracing change and challenge but how do we make it "an inspired, connected, fair and thriving city"? Well it’s a question we’re asking our capital’s citizens as part of our 2050 Edinburgh City Vision project and nearly 6,000 people have given their feedback.
As a council we’re supporting this hugely exciting piece of work. Developing this vision will involve residents, businesses and groups from all sectors.
Working in partnership
We deliver services to nearly half a million people and the work we do covers every aspect of their daily needs and wants. Working in partnership, we have six key comittments which are
- ensuring every child in Edinburgh has the best start in life
- reducing poverty, inequality and deprivation
- providing for Edinburgh's prosperity
- strengthening and supporting our communities and keeping them safe
- ensuring Edinburgh, and its residents, are well cared for
- maintaining and improving the quality of life in Edinburgh.
The Partnership is founded on the democractic principles of trust, equity, openness and fairness and is committed to delivering the highest quality of services to all the people and communities of Edinburgh. We’re all aware that it’s an inspiring list but by delivering on this list, with the support of our people, we will move Edinburgh forward for the benefit of the city and its people.
Our commitment to sustainability
As Scotland’s capital and economic centre, we want to make sure that a cleaner, greener and fairer future for everyone, is at the heart of our plans to rebuild a strong economy after COVID-19.
We have set an ambitious target for Edinburgh to become a "net-zero" city by 2030, 15 years before Scotland's national net-zero target.
This means that by 2030, we will be making sure that we remove the same amount of carbon and other greenhouse gases that we as a city, put into the air.
This move is key to achieving a greener and more sustainable city. It is also one of the key themes from the City vision 2050 consultation where we asked citizens about their aspirations for the future of the city.
Our business plan
We as a council, also need a clear vision for the city we want Edinburgh to be, and the type of organisation we need to be to deliver that vision. Most importantly, we need to make sure that our strategy, business plan, budget and service plans all combine to describe one direction of change and reflect the views of elected members, the public, our partners and our staff.
The vision for our city we share with our partners, is that ‘Edinburgh is a thriving, sustainable capital city in which all forms of deprivation and inequality are reduced’. Our plan builds on the vision for our city and describes the values and behaviours we need our staff to demonstrate, as well as the core principles we need all our services to be built around.
Further information
Read more about our Partnership and commitments, and our pledges and our business plan on the Edinburgh Council website
Read more about the 2050 Edinburgh City Vision