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Ref no:
Various throughout Scotland
£43,047 - £53,331 per year pro rata
Contract Type:
Position Type:
0 hours per week
Work From Home:


e-Sgoil, based in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, is a national online learning initiative geared to promoting equity in curricular choice in schools. It is also a response to the rapid change in the way our young people live and learn.

e-Sgoil uses digital technology to enhance equity and opportunity by:

  • Removing barriers to learning
  • Promoting equity for all learners in terms of subject choice
  • Facilitating wider access to Gaelic/Gàidhlig courses and cultural activities
  • Ensuring that the curricular offer is suited to the needs of the local economy and community
  • Adding value to what local schools are able to provide
  • Ensuring resilience in specialist teaching supply
  • Creating flexible job opportunities for staff, irrespective of their geographic location


All e-Sgoil teaching is live and interactive. Most classes are taught within Microsoft Teams, with teachers using other digital tools to engage and assess learners. Training and ongoing technical support is provided for all staff.

e-Sgoil teachers are part of a supply bank and the majority are on short-term contracts specific to individual school requirements. Teachers can be based anywhere and can teach to any location - although by and large we are focused on Scottish schools. We largely operate a needs-based service and online supply can be requested by schools on a period by period basis and as such the working pattern can differ from regular on-site supply. We are also supporting learners and schools as part of Scotland's National e-Learning Offer.


Should you wish to find out more about e-Sgoil, please see our website or our most recent Evidence of Impact Report.

We are currently recruiting supply teachers from anywhere in Scotland or indeed further afield (with the right to work in the United Kingdom). Applications are sought from all secondary subject teachers and Gaelic Medium (GM) primary teachers. We are not currently recruiting for non-GM Primary teachers. Full GTCS registration and confidence in using ICT is required.

If you are currently employed part-time or recently retired and interested in working flexibly, we would like to hear from you. There is no minimum requirement with regard to the number of periods you may wish to teach.

Please see attached Job Description & Person Specification for further information.


’S e goireas nàiseanta, air-loidhne, stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh, airson co-ionannachd a thaobh tairgse curraicealaim a thabhann ann an sgoiltean a th’ ann an e-Sgoil. Tha e-Sgoil cuideachd na comharra air mar a tha na dòighean anns a bheil daoine òga beò agus ag ionnsachadh ag atharrachadh gu luath.

Tha e-Sgoil a’ cleachdadh teicneòlas gus co-ionannachd agus cothroman a leasachadh le bhith:

  • a’ lughdachadh chnapan-starra a thaobh ionnsachaidh
  • a’ brosnachadh co-ionannachd don h-uile neach-ionnsachaidh a thaobh taghadh chuspairean
  • a’ tabhann barrachd chothroman gus cùrsaichean agus tachartasan Gàidhlig / Gàidhlig luchd-ionnsachaidh a ghabhail
  • a’ tabhann curraicealam a tha tighinn a reir fheumalachdan eaconomaidh agus coimhearsnachdan ionadail
  • a’ leasachadh na tha sgoiltean ionadail a’ tabhann
  • a’ cuideachadh le seasmhachd a thaobh thidsearan faothachaidh chuspairean sònraichte
  • a’ cruthachadh chothroman obrach sùbailte do luchd-teagaisg, ge b’ air bith càit a bheil iad stèidhichte.

Tha a h-uile sgath de theagaisg e-Sgoil beò agus gnìomhach. Bidh a’ mhòr-chuid de leasanan air an lìbhrigeadh tro Microsoft Teams ’s bidh tidsearan a’ cleachdadh innleachdan digiteach eile gus aire sgoilearan a ghlacadh no obair a mheasadh. Tha trèanadh agus taic theicnigeach leantainneach air an tabhann don h-uile neach-teagaisg.

Tha luchd-teagaisg e-Sgoil air banca thidsearan-faothachaidh ’s a’ mhor-chuid dhiubh air cùmhnantan goirid a reir fheumalachdan sgoile fa leth. Faodaidh tidsearan a bhith stèidhichte am bad sam bith ’s a bhith teagasg gu àite sam bith ged a tha sinn sa bhitheantas a’ cuimseachadh air sgoiltean Alba.  Tha sinn a’ lìbhrigeadh sheirbheis a reir iarrtais sa chumantas ’s theid aig sgoiltean air tidsearan faothachaidh fhastadh bho thràth teagaisg gu tràth teagaisg. Air sgath sin, faodaidh am pataran obrach a bhith eadar-dhealaichte bho theagasg faothachaidh àbhaisteach ann an sgoil.  Tha sinn a’ cur taic ri sgoilearan agus sgoiltean mar phàirt de Thairgse Ionnsachaidh Air-Loidhne Alba. 

Ma tha sibh airson barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu e-Sgoil, faicibh an làrach-lìn no an aithisg buileachaidh as ùire againn.

Tha sinn a’ fastadh thidsearan faothachaidh bho bhad sam bith ann an Alba no nas fhaide às (ma tha cead aca a bhith ag obair san Rioghachd Aonaichte). Thathas a’ cur fàilte air tagraidhean bho thidsearan chuspairean sam bith san àrd-sgoil agus tidsearan bun-sgoile airson foghlam Gàidhlig. Chan eil sinn a’ fastadh thidsearan bun-sgoile aig nach eil Gàidhlig an-dràsta. Bu chòir do làn chlàradh le Comunn Coitcheann Teagaisg Alba a bhith aig tagraichean ’s feumaidh iad a bhith ealanta ann a bhith cleachdadh teicneolais. 

2024 Evidence of Impact Report

e-Sgoil Website

  • Disability Confident Employer - Employer
  • Scottish Living Wage