Craigclowan Prep School
At Craigclowan we are passionate about childhood. We are a thriving, co-educational independent day school with a current role of 220 boys and girls aged three to thirteen. We are fortunate to be ideally located in a prominent and well-connected setting to the south of the Fair City of Perth overlooking this beautiful city, the River Tay and the incredible countryside beyond. As one of the largest preparatory schools in Scotland, we have excellent specialist teaching facilities for sport, music and the arts and each academic curriculum area. We enjoy an excellent academic record and a busy extra-curricular programme. However, it is our committed and talented staff who really make the difference; the excellent relationship between pupils and specialist staff and the ability of the staff to draw out the very best from the children is fundamental to what we do. We aim to provide a broad education and a strong academic stimulus with opportunities for each pupil to explore, make mistakes, learn and grow, both inside and outside of the classroom.