Argyll Community Housing Association
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) is a Registered Social Landlord providing more than 5000 affordable homes for rent.
We aim to be a modern Landlord of choice in Argyll and Bute by meeting housing need and providing high quality services.
ACHA is a community led organisation directed by a voluntary Board of Management supported by Area Committees. We were granted charitable status in 2011, and are registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator as a charity (charity number SC042713). We are a not for profit Co-operative and Community benefit Society and everyone with an interest is welcome to become a member.
We have houses across 11 islands and in every major settlement in Argyll and Bute. We work in partnership with other organisations including Argyll and Bute Council and other Housing Associations.
As well as letting houses ACHA is building new homes, runs a factoring service (Property Factor Registered Number: PF000302) for former council and ACHA homes, provides housing support to tenants and is involved in many Wider Role activities to benefit everyone in Argyll and Bute.
As Scotland’s eighth largest housing association, ACHA houses 17% of the population of Argyll and Bute and employs around 200 staff.
Argyll Homes for All (AHFA) was formed during 2012 as a non-charitable trading subsidiary of Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA). This company, owned by ACHA, delivers repairs and cyclical maintenance services to ACHA tenants from 1st April 2013.
Managing Director Phil Burn and his team deliver the reactive repairs and planned maintenance for Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA). The workforce of multi-skilled trades operatives provide a repairs by appointment service to tenants.